Good Measure Points Series

Top 5 Tips for Moving the Impact Needle

Good Measure Points

When looking to move the needle on an issue, it’s rarely one-size-fits-all but there are some touch points that every impact project can benefit from. Here are my top 5 tips for creating a successful impact campaign with real impact: 

  1. Find Allies – Link arms with groups or organizations already working on the issue your project is highlighting. Trying to do everything from scratch is a waste of resources. A partnership can mean accessing their network or providing an expert to join a panel discussion, while your project gives their members something new to interact with. Remember, many hands make light work. 
  2. Get Social – Developing a well thought out social media strategy is integral to impact. It’s about reaching your audience where they are at, creating engaging content and understanding the differences between the platforms in order to be as interactive (aka social) as possible. 
  3. Add Value – Find what your project brings to the table that keeps people interested and helps it stand out. Perhaps it’s never-before-seen footage to help spotlight an issue or a way to connect with others facing the same issue. Adding to the conversation is key and makes the campaign useful.
  4. Make it relatable – Adding personality, humour and/or the ‘every person’ factor will keep audiences coming back for the insights or the laughs. No one wants to engage with something that seems out of touch or too formal.
  5. Be Consistent – Having a steady flow of information keeps your project top of mind and increases the impact. It takes many ‘touches’ to break through the noise and capture people’s interest. Newsletters, social media and messaging all work best when people get to interact with it repeatedly and in different ways.