Documentary campaign

Impact Results at smartWhales Workshop

1 person at a podium and 2 others on stage presenting while people in the audience watch.

Recently Last of the Right Whales was invited to participate in the smartWhales workshop in Moncton, New Brunswick to present some of the impact results from their year-long campaign. It was a busy few days screening the documentary and presenting highlights from the campaign to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Transport Canada and the Canadian Space Agency who were there for the tri-agency government workshop. 

Joined by two of the impact campaign partners, Sean Brillant from Canadian Wildlife Federation and Moira Brown from the Canadian Whale Institute, Sholeh Alemi Fabbri spoke about the wide range of activities that the campaign undertook including cross-Canada expert panels during the theatrical release, a six-city Coastal Tour, education curriculum guide creation and a successful digital strategy to engage with audiences.

Alana Pickrell from CTV News came by to hear more about the film and the work the team has been doing and interviewed our founder Sholeh Alemi Fabbri which you can read here.

A reporter is holding a microphone to interview another woman.

Final results from the campaign will be released in the coming year. Sign up for the Last of the Right Whales newsletter for the latest information.